Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Final Match

Tough match, tough match.

There's not much for me to add on to what has already been said. Kostya and the Farmer pretty much said all there is to say. Altounian held on to a tough draw against Akobian (first result). Wang got into a bad position pretty darn early through surprisingly passive play that only got worse as the game continued (second result). The dreaded must-win situation dawned on Cozianu and Slava. Cozianu slugged a tricky win against Rogellio. The only comment I have on that game is that Cozianu probably didn't 'see' the win, but what Cozianu probably did feel that there was a win, but being in a bit of time pressure, could not work out the concrete variations. Once it had come to calculate the variations, though, Cozianu took a couple of minutes and found the win.

So it was all up to Slava. Kostya and Farmer have already spotted most of the winning possibilities, just check out their annotations for details. Lots of many chances...time trouble...missing the first easy win (Rexd4) probably came as a psychological blow to Slava--I'm guessing he saw it just after he played Rxe5 (probably the worst possible feeling, that you see the win...just play another move)--leading to some more missed opportunities. Oh well...

I've always thought that these matches and games were as much a matter of luck as they were a matter of skillage. Once again, Arizona has gotten pretty DARN lucky that their mistakes and missed opportunities didn't cost them. just look at that match against St. Louis, and they're darn lucky again in this match. The last thing I've got to say here before I sign out for the season:

the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
~Ecclesiasties 9:11

Till next season, I remain

Alex Guo